
Star Theatres, 145 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton
August 5, 6; 11, 12, 13 @ 7.30
Matinees Sun 7 @ 4.00, Sat 13 @ 2.00
Early Tues 9, Wed 10 @ 6.30

Othello is a heroic North African general in 1600s Venice. Surprisingly, in a white society, he is befriended by a Venetian senator and his beautiful daughter, Desdemona. Bravely defying society and her father, Desdemona secretly marries Othello and follows him to Cyprus, where he is sent to repel a Turkish invasion. Iago, a junior officer, tormented by personal and professional envy, by playing on Othello’s sense of foreignness, sets out to destroy their love, and bring Othello down.

 In 2011, Shedrick Yarkpai became the first African-born actor to play Othello in Australia. In 2022’s production, he is joined by David Daradan as Iago.

presented by arrangement with ORiGiN Theatrical acting as agents for Samuel French Ltd

Directed by