Subscribers & patrons
To become of our valued patrons or subscribers, simply download a subscription form using the button above, print it out and return it to us via the postal address included in the form.
As a patron, your valued donation not only ensures the viability of our company, and its wonderful work, but also offers you the additional benefits of a free program (signed by the cast!) and eligibility to attend our pre-show briefings with our Artistic Director, as well as VIP invitations to our opening night suppers.
For $180, we offer a $70 ticket and programme package to both Ordinary People AND Phèdre. An optional ticket can be purchased for our staged play reading at the discounted price of $30.
All patrons are acknowledged in our programs.
this includes:
a two play season ticket for $70, a complementary program for each performance (signed by the cast) and a minimum tax-deductible donation of $110.00.
An option to purchase iscounted tickets to our play reading in August at the stunning Ukaria Cultural Centre.
Personalised priority booking for opening nights and to all bonus events.
Invitation to after show supper party with cast and director on all opening nights.
Free ticket exchange, one exchange per play.
Invitation to a themed director's briefing prior to each major production.
Acknowledgement in our programs.
Membership of the company and the right to attend and vote at the annual general meeting.
Patrons Briefing
These are a very popular aspect of the Patrons' Programme and are making a return in 2025.
Over a two course meal and wine, our Artistic Director Rob Croser presents the play in production and discuss aspects of its history, the story and its staging, and some of the actors read and perform exerts from it.
Subscribers not only save on the total cost of single tickets, but also receive an invitation to the pre-show briefings. Programs are not included.
$70 (or $60 for concessions) provides you with tickets to both Ordinary People AND Phèdre. An optional ticket can be purchased for our staged play reading at the discounted price of $30.
For further information on any part of the Patrons Programme, please contact the Patrons Liaison officer, Judy Chapman on 0435 469 277 or email her using the button below.